I am an Artist, Visionary, Entrepreneur and Coach.
Born an artist I am a poet, photographer, painter and filmmaker … I see the artist and creator in everyone and my passion is to bring it up and out into the world. Because of my love for creatives and artists I have created this company where I cater only to artists and creative professionals.
I am a Certified Professional Coach and a member of the International Coaching Association. Following an education including a BFA (with a concentration in Photography & Film) and an MS in Computer Software Engineering (can I hear a shout out for combining art & technology) I took myself into a 20-year executive and consulting career in the corporate world for Fortune 100 companies. My creativity went with me everywhere I went and over 15 years ago I became an Entrepreneur by opening a Web Design company (marrying my technology and art into an incredibly lucrative business). Bottom line: I know the ins and outs of founding, starting and running successful profit and non-profit organizations both large and small.
I am currently also owner of Freedom-Is-Now a global coaching company that does entrepreneur, life and creativity coaching. Prior to that, for 9 years, I was co-owner of a large full service corporate, entrepreneur, life, health and spiritual coaching firm that employed 30+ coaches, I have been a Business; Personal Coach for 25+ years. I am trained in Michael Gerber’s (EMyth), Coach University’s and Fowler-Wainwright’s technology, plus an array of my own well crafted, proven technologies.
In addition, I have produced extraordinary results in the lives of thousands of people through one-on-one coaching, leading workshops, seminars and intensive Leadership programs. I have a proven track record of Relationship, Creativity and Life Coaching to compliment all my years of Business coaching.
I love working with my clients to create a purpose/vision for themselves and/or their businesses and am ruthless in making sure my clients fulfill on that purpose/vision. My style is a mixture of love, compassion and laser coaching that leaves no option but success. Oh, and I gave up that life had to be sooooo serious years ago and enjoy what I do … and I want my clients to be able to do the same … so even though I make sure my clients succeed wildly you can count on that it will not be a grueling, hard experience!
I currently am pre-launch on a global platform for women artists, We Artistic Women, LLC in late 2023. In Jan 2023 I purchased 10 acres of land in Florida called Freedom Acres … a Sacred, Sovereign Space that will be the home of We Artistic Women. My vision is to use this land as a space where we can create and collect together in nature.
Me the Artist
Want to know a little More?
“The most visible creators are those artists whose medium is life itself. The ones who express the inexpressible – without brush, hammer, clay, or guitar. They neither paint nor sculpt. Their medium is simply being. Whatever their presence touches has increased life. They see, but don’t have to draw… Because they are the artists of being alive.” ~ J Stone